262 and a half combines the aromatic essence of flowers with the rustic bite of one's favorite beer. Inspired by early apothecary remedies, 262 and a half provides a modern taste with a classic presence.
Whewell Seedlings promotes the science of plants by encouraging children to venture into their surroundings with games designed on pack. Seedlings provides the consumer with a nutritious breakfast and sustainable opportunity with a second life.
/men(h)wile - in the intervening period of time - at the same time
Meanwhile Creamery focuses on the strange within the ordinary. Using combinations of two unique flavors and expressing a surreal atmosphere, Meanwhile Creamery provides consumers with an eerie and nostalgic experience.
More Than Shore is a local food brand that expresses the rich farmland culture of New Jersey through bright colors and seasonal ingredients. While playing off the New Jersey stereotypes, More Than Shore provides the consumer with a genuine Garden State experience.
Joanie's Natural Adhesives captures the spirit of craft with a display of hand cut visuals that express the creative process every crafter has. Whilst being a dependable adhesive that keeps materials together, Joanie's founded on the idea of bring close one together through creativity.
"Let's stick together" - Joan Clark
Able Cleaning Co. provides a clean, simple, and safe solution for the modern family's everyday household needs. Able is founded on the principle that being clean is being healthy and environmentally responsible. All materials used in the product are natural and sustainable.
Sophia Grace and Rosie Cake Mix highlights the fun in making a mess when baking. The brand, inspired by two lively little princesses, expresses the girls' personalities and interests through color and photography.